Sunday, May 5, 2013

Genuinely Flammable Burning Stoopid. . . .

There's a saying: "Speak of the Devil, and you see his horns. . . ".

Well, yesterday, I mentioned Anthony Watts and his excellent blog, when across my feed comes this bit of ACTUALLY BURNING Burning Stoopid. . .

Yes, those are actual university professors, setting fire to a book they disagree with. . .  (and I'm SURE the photos of wildfires behind them are purest irony. . .)

Hmm. . . burning books you disagree with. . . where have we seen THAT before ??? (and what would they do for Michael Mann's autograph ???)

Better still, they publicized their book-burning on their home page. . .

Yet, view it now. . . and it's gone. . .

Of course, the OTHER Burning Stoopid is, that these oh-so-learned professors have forgotten the First Rule of the Internet:  NOTHING ever goes away. . .

 Yep.  There's an archive record, that shows the way the website WAS, before someone realized that a photo of professors burning a book, in addition to the dreaded Greenhouse Gases released, was an Inconvenient Truth. . . .  and a truly flaming example of . . .

 . . . .teh Burning Stoopid. . . .


  1. The following was posted by a notorious Warmist Troll at "American Thinker" -

    "No, books are made of paper, which as you know comes from trees. Burning them is carbon neutral."

    (Comment about 1/2 way down the page)
