Monday, May 6, 2013

Alex, I'll take teh Burning Stoopid for 500. . . .

Yes, now it's time for Jeopardy. . . . and a Potpourri of teh Burning Stoopid. . .

Let's go with Ethnic Politics for $100. . . . and the answer is. . . .  former New Mexico Governor William Blaine "Bill" Richardson the Third

. . .and the question is ??

Who claimed that being Hispanic was entirely based on their position on immigration ????  Well he should know, he's the son of a. . . .  Boston-raised Citibank executive. . . . but he claims Texas Senator Ted Cruz, whose father is a Cuban immigrant, doesn't count as Hispanic, because he doesn't follow the "Hispanic position" on immigration. .  .    

OK, next  . . News of the Wierd for 200. . .

And the answer is. . . .   "News is not legitimate business. .  ."

The question ?? What did a school district rentacop, excuse me, School Resource Officer, tell a news crew investigating a relationship between a 27-year-old teacher and a 15-year-old student, when he directed that they leave the "school safety zone". . . .

And, at least according to the Putnam County Sherriff's office, teacher Austin Johns hadn't even committed a crime.  Apparently, it's fine for a young girl to make out with a man nearly twice her age in a school closet.  Because they hadn't had sex.   Yet.

Interesting claim, that the school seems to think that news coverage of this little Methuselah-and-Juliet relationship should not exist. . .   

Looks like Mark Twain was spot-on:   

"God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board."

 Our last little tidbit is a question of Constitutional Jeopardy:

When is a rap song a jailable offense ??

Answer: when it's in hypersensitive Boston, still reeling from the Marathon Bombers 

Meet Rapper-wannabe Cameron D’Ambrosio, aka "Cammy Dee"

A typical high-school kid, riddled with angst and hormones, and more than a little of teh Burning Stoopid.  It seems in his latest rap, he mentions bombs. . .

. . . .and not very well, either. . .

And, it seems they also confiscated his Xbox 360 and his PC, but, surprisingly, found no bombs, no explosives.

In fact exactly zero damage was done.  Well, except for that ripping sound, but we haven't been using the Bill of Rights lately, so it's no great loss. . .


I'd take us into Double Jeopardy, where the Stoopid can REALLY change,  but we've run out of time.  So on behalf of Turtle Wax and Rice-a-Roni (The San Francisco Treat !!!). . . .we bid you farewell for today, and beg you NOT to play teh Burning Stoopid home game. . . .

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